Sunday, March 5, 2023

Women's Rights Are No Longer Because No One Cares Anymore

        Today's been a... Bleh kinda day... My minds wonders all over the place all the time, but the biggest thing I can only think of is this overturn on Roe vs Wade bullshit. They made it illegal to have abortions. Families will lose their mothers/wives. For those who stand for anti-abortion, I won't feel bad if you lose whoever because of pregnancy affects or childbirth. You stood agains abortion, therefore killing your spouse. Women's health is declining and depression is worse because of this shit. I don't even wanna be here anymore, because of it. I have bad anxiety and depression. I've had thoughts of death since high school. I thought I was doing good until these assholes banned women's rights. It's worse now. My thoughts. Am I gonna tell anyone? Fuck no, cause I don't trust anyone. Those who are anti-abortion obviously won't give a shit. What's a woman(any woman) have to do to show how much this impacts us in a very bad way?! Will there be a public mass suicide just to show these assholes what they've done by taking women's rights away?! Not only that, but their lives too... I read some CVS stores won't carry birth control anymore. I'm never going there again. I gotta check if my meds are from there, cause if they are, they need to be from someone else, not CVS. I really wish Trump was back in office. I'd give anything and everything. I hate Biden so fucking much. This life's not worth it anymore. I think I should end this blog, before it gets worse... Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great and safe night! :)

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