You ever watch any paranormal or demonic movies and get kinda paranoid before bed? I do! Heh.. I keep thinking they’ll come through the tv screen and into my life. I am interested in learning about demons and the paranormal, but at the same time it creeps me out. Mostly the demon subject. That’s thanks to horror movies. The Exorcist, Paranormal Activity series, Conjuring series, ect. They’re great movies, don’t get me wrong. Some parts of these movies creep me tf out! When I’m alone at my apartment, I lay in bed at night waiting for a noise, whether it be a voice or something moving or falling down. When I do hear things sometimes I instantly think “oh shit there’s a demon or a ghost here!” Haha. I love the dead but at the same time, I’m a tad creeped out from imagining creepy images of spirits. Not saying that’s how I hear from them. I just think that a lot. It can be awesome communicating with the paranormal, but also really scary. Make sure you protect yourself so no bad spirits like demons or probably Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacey. People like them. I say that cause I’m not sure if serial killers from the dead can hurt you or not. Another thing that scares me are mirrors. That’s thanks to Kiefer Sutherland’s movie ‘Mirrors’. Great movie but creeped me out. Not as bad as the Conjuring series though. I use to cover my mirror up cause I’d be afraid someone or something like ‘Bloody Mary’(I was young at the time) would come out of my mirror, so I use to cover it up as a teen. There’s one person on the other side who communicates with me sometimes, if I try to contact him. I won’t say who cause I don’t want people thinking I’m crazy like some have in the past. There are a lot of haunted places I want to go to so bad. The Amityville house, the Chelsea Hotel in New York where Sid and Nancy haunt. They live in room 100. I’d give anything to go to these places one day! I heard Amityville isn’t haunted anymore. That’s another great paranormal movie to watch!(the original from the 70’s) when it comes to paranormal movies, I love the true story ones especially if it has demons. I have a hard time believing they exist. I need face to face proof, not a screen. Everything I see in the demonic movies seems so impossible to me… I’d like to believe they exist, but I need proof. Not a movie, nor YouTube video. Face to face. Not on a screen. I hope you enjoyed tonight’s blog! I will definitely talk more about the paranormal and demon subject in the future! Have a good night! Don’t let the demon in your closet get too close. XD the date for this post says the second not the first of March. It’s the first. It’s 10:56pm here.
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